Wednesday 30 April 2008

Ashlee Simpson Talks About Pregnancy Rumors During Visit To MTV

Ashlee Simpson Talks About Pregnancy Rumors During Visit To MTV

Is she or isn't she? That's the question Ashlee Wallis Warfield Windsor fans hold been request since last calendar week, when rumors began spreading that the pop star is pregnant with fiancé /Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz's child. Spell Wentz denied the reports in an exclusive interview with MTV News on Monday, that hasn't stopped the james Mill from churning.
Patently, when Ashlee stopped by the MTV hQ for her appearance on "TRL" Tues (Apr 15), we had to ask her roughly the rumors.
"I exactly think it's an inappropriate motion to ask any woman," Sir James Young Simpson told MTV News' Kim Stolz, world Health Organization followed the doubt with a list of other celebs — including Christina Aguilera and Jennifer Lopez; world Health Organization were the depicted object of similar speculation for months ahead finally coming clean.
"For me, that's something that I didn't of all time desire to react to, because I cogitate it's an inappropriate question," Simpson said. "About things, you want to hold on personal, and I consider that when people deny [reports that they're pregnant], it's in all probability because it's something they want to keep personal."
Of row, rumors most Simpson organism pregnant feature been swirling always since the couple began geological dating. On Monday, Wentz told MTV Newsworthiness the rumors are just that.
"In that respect is a wiccan holman Hunt for people to be pregnant whenever they get engaged in Hollywood," he wrote in an e-mail. "This is entirely news to me. I can't hold back for the taradiddle nearly how I'm rattling in a homosexual relationship and this is totally scarce a cover. ... I mean truly, this is weirdo. ... I mean we're engaged, that's true, and happy most it."
Pregnant or not, Sir James Young Simpson surely does take her personal business gravely. The isaac Bashevis Singer declined to discuss what wedding plans, if any, the duo has already made, nor would she give away just how Wentz popped the doubt.
"That's wholly so sacred, I need to keep that to myself," she said. "But he did a great line of work at picking come out the hoop," which she added she wasn't erosion because it's existence resized. Simpson also said that the couple announced their engagement online because they wanted the news to come directly from them.
"It was important for us," she said. "There was a story climax come out and people, with their stories, always drop a line untrue things, and we wanted to let our fans cognise from us."